Monthly Weather Report for March:
Astro-events are CST based times and dates & parallax moon measurements
3/1/24 Soon, we say "Hello!" to the Springtime. Plant life in the Northern Hemisphere is slowly beginning to awaken.
Flowers and leaves are budding on the trees, but are we going to join in the Resurrection? It depends upon a lot of factors, mainly our own individual FREE WILL.
And is that not what life is all about? A series of choices?
If you want a good life, make your choices good.
Start with each minute, an hour, a day. Pretty soon you have a whole week. Then you have a month of good choices, one by one. Suddenly, you look back and realize life has been good!
First day of the month of March and we are presented with the Moon in Scorpio forming a T-square. Venus and Mars are at the top of this T-square joined in Aquarius perfect to the degree just last month. A new Venus/Mars cycle began. This pair will be in square with Uranus for next 12 days.
When Venus and Mars are together, all is fair in love and war.
3/10/24 Now begins a New Moon, at 20 degrees of Pisces.
3/12/24 Venus leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces. Mars still squares Uranus. The Moon will add its energy to this square.
In fact, the Moon on its journey around the zodiac will continue to throw back many squares and oppositions all month long to this interesting group of planets bundled to one side of the sky.
Pluto, Mars, Venus in Aquarius, Saturn, Moon, Sun, Neptune in Pisces, Mercury, North Node, and Chiron in Aries, with Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. All on one side of the sky.
Get ready for those parts of your natal chart to be activated and energized. The focus is there. Especially the stories in the natal houses and their themes.
Get a reading to explore more.
3/20/24 THE SPRING EQUINOX. Hello Spring!!! The Leo Moon makes an opposition with Pluto parked at 01:39 Aquarius. It's interesting that as this Sun hits zero degrees Aries, the North Node is at 15, Mercury 17, and Chiron at 18 degrees of Aries like stepping stones waiting.
3/22/24 Venus and Saturn conjunction at 12 degrees Pisces today.
3/25/24 Full Moon in Libra, and this one is a Lunar Eclipse!
Next Lunation? Next month. A Total Solar Eclipse that will be seen across the United States. Remember the one in 2017, yeah, and the one last year, 10/14/23? Here comes number THREE.
I will be right under the path. Just like I was for the previous two, although this time I won't have to travel far. Perhaps not at all. Close enough this time to fully enjoy the show from my very own backyard. Nice.
It only takes one tiny moment to change all the rest of the moments that will ever come to you for the rest of your life.
One stage is only a preparation for the next stage. Live life right with purpose and awareness. And then you will find, things are not happening to you, they are happening FOR you.
Accept the gift that is given. Time itself is the gift. It is.
The time is now.
Let's do this.