Planetary Weather in the sky for December:
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
as above, so below
12/1/24 We begin with the end. First day of the last month. A culmination.
Mercury is retrograde from last month. Mars will soon follow the Rx pattern for inward discovery.
New Moon at 9 degrees of Sagittarius! What a nice way to start? So nice!
Mysterious to mention, but just yesterday Chiron reached the very same degree it was at on the Great American April 8th Eclipse #3. (#1 on August 21, 2017, #2 was on October 14, 2023)
Did I just say that yesterday we had Chiron sitting on the exact same degree as the April 8th American Eclipse? How could this be?
And when I say EXACT I mean 19:24 degrees of Aries.
No more. No less.
That’s where it’s been continuously knocking on the Door of Aries.
Not just one time my friends, but FIVE
…due to not only retrograde motion but a wide elliptical orbit helps in this phenomenon too.
Here are the dates: 6/16/23, 8/29/23, 4/8/24, 11/29/24, 1/28/25
How’s that for repetition? With an Eclipse right in the middle!
12/5/24 We begin a new cycle with retrograde Mercury conjunct the Sun.
12/6/24 The next day Mars stations retrograde 6 degrees of Leo!
12/7/24 Mars is full on Rx now, Venus enters Aquarius today and joins Pluto at ZERO degrees.
And if that wasn’t enough, Jupiter in Gemini goes to exact opposition with the Sagittarius Sun.
12/15/24 Mercury stations direct 6 degrees of Sagittarius.
The same day we witness a Full Moon in Gemini. The glory of God is manifest.
12/21/24 The Sun moves into the sign of Capricorn, signaling the Winter Solstice has arrived.
12/24/24 For the second time this year, we receive a square aspect from Jupiter and Saturn.
12/25/24 MERRY CHRISTMAS! What gifts we have received! Precious gifts of life and love.
12/30/24 New Moon in Capricorn, the second NM this month making this one a Black New Moon.
Not a Blue Full Moon which is just as cool and rare. Interesting year!
If you think this one was packed with power and truth revealed, wait for this next year. Wow.
Keep making good choices. You may not can change the world, but you can change yourself ... do it ... Not only those of our time, future generations will appreciate it greatly.