About me

My name is "Seraphim" a name I obtained in the Eastern Orthodox Church, of which I've been a member for more than 30 years. It's the oldest branch of Christianity and predates any denomination because once upon a time,

there were no denominations.

Many visitors who come to our church got curious merely be learning about the written history of the Christian Church. What happened when, and why.

It's an interesting study.

And I recommend taking a world history class in any college, because that's where some of those visitors mentioned came from, no not a theological seminary (although some did come from those) not a class on religion, just basic world history.

Read "The Orthodox Way" or "The Orthodox Church" both by Timothy Ware for a good start. There are many other books out there on the subject.

The "info" menu above has a link on Astrology, which I've been studying for a very long time too. It has never come between me and my walk with Jesus Christ, in fact it has rather enhanced it. Deepened my spiritual life with complete awe and wonder when I look into the heavens above on a crystal-clear night. Or as I gaze into an astrology chart on my computer screen. It's amazing how the time cycles written in the sky reflect the deepest levels of our souls. As above, so below. As within, so without.

Come with me on a journey to explore and experience astrology firsthand. Not from what you've heard from others, but from what you hear from real life awareness of the mysteries of God's sacred language from the skies.