Monthly Weather Report for April:
Astro-events are CST based times and dates & parallax moon measurements
April rolls in and portends to be one of the most important months of 2024. Maybe the most important month of our lifetimes? It seems everything flows from this subtle yet profound vortex. As we shall see when we look back upon this extremely pivotal time.
Pivotal for humanity, the USA, and for us each individually.
4/1/24 the Fool's Journey begins here. Happy Atheist Day!
Or rather Happy April Fool's Day. It was a joke man! Can't you take a joke? The Bible says, "The Fool has said in his heart, there is no God." It even says it twice, to make the point clear.
Psalm 14:1 and Psalm 53:1
There are so many religious holidays, I figure the atheists must have at least one. Cheers!
This would be an excellent day to dive into the mysteries and considerations of whether or not God exists. Today, MERCURY GOES RETROGRADE and on the very first day of the month? You've got to be kidding me. And in the very first sign of the Zodiac: Aries.
The symbolism here is already getting deep. Think about it.
Typically, these cycles give our minds the gift to dive deep. But we must be careful to keep properly grounded too, or yes this period of time will live up to its reputation. See the Internet for details!
4/3/24 Venus joins Neptune today at 28 degrees of Pisces.
4/4/24 The planet Venus moves into the domain of Aries.
4/8/24 New Moon in Aries and this one is a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE. I'm telling you this one is a game changer. As many are talking about right now, Chiron is exact to the minute with this Eclipse.
Chiron is playing a role in our story here. Chiron is behind this Total Solar Eclipse. Literally.
And, it's the 3rd one to go across United States of America soil.
As the old saying goes: WAKE UP AMERICA!
4/10/24 Mars conjoins Saturn 14:40 Pisces @ 3:14 pm
4/11/24 Mercury and Sun Cazimi. This means Mercury is conjunct with the Sun and begins a new cycle.
4/18/24 Now, the Sun enters Taurus!
4/20/24 Two days later, to celebrate, Jupiter and Uranus join at 21:49 of Taurus. This conjunction occurs once every 14 years so look back for themes in your life in years 2010, 1997 and 1983
4/21/24 Venus joins with Chiron in an interesting conjunction 20 degrees of Aries. Lots of joining going on here, had to mention this one! I'm a big fan of Chiron.
4/23/24 Full Moon in Scorpio forming a T-square with Pluto
4/25/24 Mercury conjunct the NN today 15 degrees of Aries and officially ends the retrograde.
4/28/24 Mars joins with Neptune in Pisces.
4/29/24 Venus moves into Taurus one of its home signs. Powerful, after her journey in Aries.
And thus ends a super busy month, more so than any other this year and may go down in history as the beginning and end point of many things, yes, more than just one.
Haven't mentioned this yet, but we will (possibly) have a comet become visible to the naked eye. But I've heard these predictions before and nothing came of them. This time could be very different since we have a Total Solar Eclipse to make things nice and dark for viewing! Secrets will be revealed nonetheless.
The comet will be there. The invisible could indeed become visible.
Look up Comet Pons-Brooks for history and information.
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