Monthly Weather Report for July:

Astro-events are CST based times and dates & parallax moon measurements

Before we get started,

here's something newsworthy yet I've heard nothing about it in the news. Had to stumble on it randomly.

At the end of last month we had a couple of asteroids come very close to the earth, within the Moon's orbit range. Hey, that's close! Click link:

Also, very close to World Asteroid Day, which is celebrated on June 30.

Nature has a strange sense of humor.

We had another close call like this in the year 2001, for those who like to keep track of such things.

7/1/24 Okay now, the month of July comes with the Sun in the sign of Cancer,.. Mercury and Venus already there.

The Moon (that rules Cancer) is applying to a quick conjunction with Mars in Taurus. At the same time, Mercury squares Chiron in Aries and opposes Pluto.

This is how we start the month.

Pluto is still in Aquarius, by the way, and retrograde; later on the first day of September Pluto moves for one last trip into Capricorn to take care of unfinished business.

Mercury and Venus both offer sweet trines to Neptune and Saturn respectively. Note that Saturn just went Rx at the end of June. These trines may help take the edge off a coming Mars/Uranus conjunction on the 16th, but maybe not?

At least we have some positive echo.

7/2/24 Mercury moves into Leo as the sky begins to roar.

7/4/24 HAPPY BIRTHDAY USA! Don't waste freedom, it's precious.

7/5/24 Alert: New Moon in Cancer with Venus only 9 degrees away still in same sign. Set your intentions, feed your goals.

By the way, Venus is making an exact square with Chiron in Aries at 23 degrees.

This New Moon is “out of bounds” as to declination so look for emotions to run wide and high.

7/11/24 Venus enters Leo to join Mercury in this sign!

7/16/24 The anticipated Mars/Uranus conjunction at 26 degrees of Taurus. One of those “be careful” times surrounding days before, during, and after.

7/20/24 Mars leaves the sign of Taurus to travel in Gemini heading for Jupiter there. Intellectual projects can be emboldened.

Pluto has reached ZERO degrees of Aquarius couple days ago and is eating that degree up. Slowly.

By September 1st Pluto will be back in Capricorn.

7/21/24 The Moon is Full and its also in Capricorn for a second time. Yes, this is the second consecutive FM in Cap, first time was back in June. That month that divides the calendar year in half. And, to re-emphasize, Pluto is now heading back into this same sign.

Something is going on with Capricorn and the planet Saturn that rules this sign. Check your chart!

7/22/24 One thing after another, and the Sun folds into its fav place: LEO! (with Mercury & Venus already there)

7/25/24 Last big thing to happen in July? Oh my God, what's next? Mercury’s ingress into Virgo, it's rulership, its domicile, and its exaltation.


Mercury has actually been in what is called "pre-shadow phase" since the 17th, getting ready for full on Retrograde in August.

As mentioned before, this last half of the year beginning in the middle of June will be more intense with transits.

Get ready to learn from the past, apply it to the present, to create a better future for us all. Be willing to change your opinions and beliefs. Because the person who doesn't, is like stagnant water and their mind slowly turns to green slime.

And watch out for asteroids and other surprises.

Nothing is certain, except uncertainty. Expect the unexpected. But if you expect it, is it really unexpected? Something to ponder.