Planetary Weather in the sky for August:

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven

as above, so below

8/1/24 August begins with the Sun at 09:44 degrees and Venus 25:36 both in the same sign of Leo.

Moon just entered its home sign of Cancer. And we have two planets in the chart applying to future conjunctions:

Mars/Jupiter in Gemini soon to be exact on 8/14

Saturn/Neptune in Pisces which will take much longer. It will go exact in Aries 2/20/26 but will come close next year 8/4/25 at 1 degrees Aries but due to freaky retrograde motion will try, but never get to the very arc minute. Close enough!

Pluto Rx is in Aquarius for now, still moving backwards and now ZERO degrees! It’s heading to Capricorn.


And speaking of “going back”...

Chiron turned Rx at the end of last month. Slowly going back to the same degree it was in the last of three Total Solar Eclipses whose shadow went across the land mass we call “The United States of America” April 8, 2024.

Oh my, my.

8/4/24 The New Moon comes early Sunday morning with Venus hanging on the edge of Leo about to move over to Virgo tomorrow.

8/5/24 Mercury who has already come to a standstill goes fully Retrograde (i.e., Rx) a wonderful time to pray, learn to pray, and practice the deepest forms of prayer!

Should I mention Chiron, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto are all Rx?

8/7/24 Mercury Rx conj Venus 03:43 Virgo exact 10:03pm. Sweet dreams are made of this.

8/14/24 Mars/Jupiter conjunction today. A growing Jupiter/Saturn square becomes exact, forming part of a T-square with Venus.

This T-square involves the three signs: Mars/Jupiter in Gemini at the top, Saturn in Pisces and Venus in Virgo opposite.

A busy day in the sky! We must remember the Jupiter/Saturn square is part of the Great Conjunction that occurred during the Winter Solstice of 2020. That's when this cycle began at zero degrees of Aquarius. Meditate on THAT. Holy STAR OF BETHLEHEM. Hmmm.

8/18/24 Mercury Rx joins with The Sun, Cazimi time! Inferior (or interior) Conjunction.

8/21/24 A Full Moon to remember in Aquarius! Scorpio rising in my location. Two T-squares and a close trine with Chiron in Aries to follow the Leo Sun. Get your spiritual journal ready for this one.

The Moon is so close to the earth, it's a Super Moon. Closest of the year 2024.

8/29/24 Mercury goes direct (i.e., Dx) 21 degrees of Leo ending the backward journey from 4 Virgo.

8/31/24 The month itself ends with Venus newly entered into Libra only yesterday. Pluto is one day away from re-entry into the sign of Capricorn.

Mars, Uranus, and Neptune all are at the last degrees of their respective signs.

The energy of CHANGE is in the air. The heavens shout from above for us to make the “right choices” to make our lives better.

Or if we don’t make those good decisions, things will not turn out so great.

No, they won’t.