Planetary Weather in the sky for October:

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven

as above, so below

10/1/24 October begins on the day of Mars, Tuesday! And Mars will enter its “shadow period” before the retrograde (which is 17 degrees Cancer) on the 4th but won’t go Rx until December 7.

Today we have two Grand Trines that are very close to looking like the Star of David.

In light of current events with Israel this is both rare and significant. We will be coming up on the one year Anniversary of the initial attack by Hamas in just a few days on October 7th of the Gaza War.

At the bottom of one of these trines sits Neptune making two sextiles on either side to Uranus & Pluto.

The Moon is applying to an exact opposition with Neptune at dawn. Dear God bring us peace on earth!

But that’s not all up to God,

let’s remember to do our part.

10/2/24 A New Moon! But this one, the final Eclipse of 2024, an Annual Solar Eclipse.

Occurring at 10:02 degrees of Libra. Round up for the Sabian Symbol at 11 degrees. Time to learn!


The Star of David pattern disappears into a single Grand Trine with Mars in Cancer, Venus in Scorpio, and Saturn in Pisces.

This could be a good time to look back on all the other eclipses of the year, what took place, what did we learn? What all happened in our lives from those turning points. 3/25 Lunar, 4/8 Total Solar Eclipse that went across the USA, 9/17 Lunar, and now today, 10/2 the last eclipse of the year.

This year we began in Libra with a Lunar and ended today in Libra with a Solar Eclipse.

10/4/24 As mentioned above, today we now enter the “Shadow Phase” of the coming Mars retrograde in Cancer at 17 degrees!

A very important event this month, this year.

The actual Rx won’t be until December 7th, but this is the degree Mars will come back to before moving forward again in the next year 2025. The Rx itself will begin just short of 7 degrees Leo.

More Mars future info: February 23, 2025 station direct, April 17, 2025 enters Leo again, then moves out of post shadow phase by May 2, 2025. Clearly Mars deserves attention.

10/6/24 Sunday, Mercury will square Mars.

10/9/24 Jupiter goes Rx.

10/11/24 Pluto stations direct, comes to a standstill, then The Moon moves right over Pluto just to throw emphasis.

Soon, Pluto slowly journeys back into the sign of Aquarius.

10/13/24 Mercury enters the sign of Scorpio. Also, Mars will square the Sun today as Pluto officially begins to move forward out of its retrograde journey. Happy Sunday!

Go to church,..

or visit a new one.

Perhaps for the first time ever.

I suggest The Eastern Orthodox Church, any time you decide.

It's never too late for a good idea.

10/17/24 On a Full Moon in Aries, Venus moves into Sagittarius!

Venus is still in evening star phase, and beautiful as usual.

10/18/24 Mars and Pluto move into range for a long standing opposition to each other. This will go exact on November 3 with Libra rising and square to ASC degree, conjunct the MC.

Yes, Mars has a voice for a long while. Keep listening. Keep looking and learning.

10/23/24 Sun enters the sign of Scorpio.

10/28/24 Venus squares off with Father Time, aka Saturn Rx.

10/30/24 The month ends with yet another Grand Trine: this time involving Mars, Mercury, and Neptune.

Mars and Pluto also make the opposition bottom of the triangle that produces a T-square with the Moon at the apex. Yes, Mars again.

Mars is in energetic power as it gets closer and closer to the earth preparing for full on retrograde on December 7.

It rules the North Node and Chiron that are transiting the sign of Aries. Mars (along with modern planet Pluto) rules over the sign of Scorpio where both the Sun and Mercury are now transiting.

Mars power is in the air. Yes, Mars...

Make good use!

Let me show you how.